Students should be in their Homeroom class, ready to begin working at 7:30 am each school day.
Any student who is not in the building and through search by 7:30 am will be marked tardy to school. A total of ten (10) unexcused tardies will cause the student to become truant.
South Carolina law says... Section 59-65-10: State law requires a parent to cause his/her children from age five until the attainment of their seventeenth (17) birthday or graduation from high school, to attend regularly a public or private school.
After three (3) consecutive all-day absences, five (5) cumulative all-day absences, or (10) tardies which are not excused by a medical doctor's written statement, proof of bereavement, or principal's approval within a school year is deemed truant and will be placed on an Attendance Intervention Plan (AIP).
Procedures for tardies and absences at South Conway Elementary:
· Verbal Warning and parent notification
· Warning Letter to rectify absences and tardies
· Schedule meeting for Attendance Intervention Plan with Data Quality Clerk when signed by parent will monitor student for 12 consecutive months.
· Schedule meeting with District Attendance Coordinator for reoccurring offenses of tardies/absences.
· District attendance coordinator and/or designee may refer the student to Family Court or the South Carolina Department of Social Service.